Goodness Through Food


Discover the secret to a slimmer, healthier you with our premium slimming supplement

Promote Fat Decomposition

Study Proven Monthly Average 10% lost on internal fat

Reduction of Waist Circumference up to 1.7-1.8 cm

Reduce in serum TG 50% after eating and reduce liver injury markers ALT and AST

Contain high Ampelopsin & Antioxidant! Less than 2% caffeine content! Natural and Effective!


Are you surprised to learn that even slim people can have hidden fat? Some people may appear slim or have a low body mass index (BMI), but still have hidden or internal fat.

Hidden fat typically refers to visceral fat which is fat that accumulate around internal organs and is not visible from the outside. Visceral fat has been associated with increased health risks, such as heart disease, diabetes..etc.

That’s why Vine Tea Extract is the perfect solution for those looking to maintain a healthy weight because it helps to reduce accumulation of stubborn fat especially around the belly.

With its powerful antioxidant properties, vine tea extract is a smart choice for those looking to optimize their wellness and keep their bodies trim and fit, inside and out!

Say goodbye to hidden fat and hello to healthier you with Vine Tea Extract!

What is Vine Tea Extract?

Ampelopsis grossedentata (AG), also called vine tea, which belongs to grape family. AG is a rare, valuable, wild plant used for food and traditional medicine. AG grows in a natural area with thick fog, and the altitude is in 400~1300 meters. In Guizhou of China, people had been drunk it for more than 600 years. It was found that vine tea extract has anti-obesity and hepatoprotective effect, as well as improves fat metabolism.

How SlimVine helps?

  • Anti-Obesity
    • Researchers found Ampelopsis grossedentata (AG) extract significantly reduced body weight gain, adipose tissue accumulation and serum lipid levels in the obese mice.
    • AG increased the expression of genes related to thermogenesis which is the process of burning fat for heat production and decreased the expression of genes related to adipogenesis which is the formation of new fat cells.
    • Abdominal circumferences reduced after 2-3 months consuming AG.
  • Hepatoprotective Effect
    • Studies found that treatment with AG extract significantly reduced liver injury markers such as alanine transaminase (ALT/GPT) and aspartate transaminase (AST/GOT) levels and ameliorated histopathological changes in the liver.
    • AG extract exhibited hepatoprotective effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats.

Suppressing Fat Absorption

Improves Fat Metabolism


  1. Amentia, A., et al. (2015). Anaphylaxis to vine tea (Ampelosis grossedentata) contained in a slimming product. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 25(6), 457-459
  2. Matsuda H, Ninomiya K, Shimoda H, Yoshikawa M. Hepatoprotective principles from the flowers of Tilia argentea (linden): structure requirements of tiliroside and mechanisms of action. Bio org Med Chem. 2002, 10: 707-712
  3. Shimoda H, Hitoe SK, Nakamura S, Matsuda H. Purple tea and its extract suppress diet-induced fat accumulation in mice and human subjects by inhibiting fat absorption and enhancing hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase expression. Int J Biomed Sci. 2015, 11: 67-75.
  4. Silva J, Yu X, Moradian R, Folk C, Spatz MH, Kim P, Bhatti AA, Davies DL, Liang J. Dihydromyricetin Protects the Liver via Changes in Lipid Metabolism and Enhanced Ethanol Metabolism. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 2020, 44: 1046-1060.
  5. Wang, H., Hu, J., Zhang,L., & Duan, X., 2015. Hepatoprotective effects of Ampelopsis grossedentata extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 67(2), pp. 163-168
  6. Wang, H., Sun, Y., Shen, W., Xia, S., & Chen, H., 2017. Dihydromyricetin prevents obesity-induced hepatic steatosis via blocking TIM-1 mediated fat absorption. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
  7. Zhang, X., Wu, D., Yang, X., Liu, Y., Sun, Y., Wang, L., & Zhang, X., 2018. Anti-obesity effects of Ampelopsis grossedentata extract through regulation of adipogenesis, thermogenesis and gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.


  1. Take 1 sachet a day before or after meal for 1 month to see the results and 2-3 months to achieve optimal results.
  2. Slimvine can be taken directly in mouth or mix with water.
  3. Recommended for 18 years old and above.


  1. It is generally considered safe when taken as directed.
  2. However, some people might experience gastrointestinal issues, allergic reactions, blood sugar changes and insomnia.
  3. Therefore, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking any new supplement, especially if you have a medical condition or on  medication.