Goodness Through Food: Life be inspired by nutrition concepts.
GT&F Milk is a specially formulated supplement. It is made by blending dietary trivalent chromium, whey protein concentrate and New Zealand best grade milk powder. This is to mimic the natural activity of GTF in mother’s breastmilk (colostrums), in which essential nutrient like chromium is easily absorbed.
Penjagaan luka adalah penting bagi pesakit diabetes. Proses penyembuhan luka akan menjadi lambat apabila seseorang itu mempunyai masalah glukosa darah tidak terkawal. Apabila kadar glukosa darah terlalu tinggi, saraf di dalam badan turut terjejas dan individu terlibat mula mengalami masalah kehilangan deria rasa. Marilah kita ketahui lebih lanjut dalam video ini.
Have a cup of GT&F milk everyday! Formulated with New Zealand best grade milk powder, and more importantly, chromium-lactoferrin complex which enhance the chromium absorption to fix your daily intake for chromium for your overall health-being.
Do not let migraine bring you down! We all know migraine ruins the plan and schedules. Therefore, any remedies for the pain? Let us find out here and feel free to share.
Say Hi to MiBRAiNE: your natural remedy for relieve from migraine Do not let migraine ruin your days and your plans! Let's leran more about the goodness of MiBRAiNE by watching this clip.