Goodness Through Food



7 Tips for keeping your Home Free of Pet Hair

29 Apr 2024 | Syah

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Why home should be pet hair-free?

Keeping your home free of pet hair improves cleanliness and overall hygiene, which is especially good for people who have allergies or respiratory problems because it reduces potential allergens and improves air quality. Regularly cleaning pet hair maintains and extends the life of household appliances and textiles by avoiding clogs and excessive wear. Furthermore, a pet-free workplace is more visually appealing and hospitable to guests, even those who are uncomfortable with animals or have specialised allergies.

7 Cleaning tips for keeping your home pet hair-free?

Regular Grooming

Regularly grooming your pet helps reduce the amount of hair that ends up on your floors and furniture. Brush your pet often, especially if they are long-haired breeds.

Wash Bedding Regularly

Wash your pet’s bedding and any other washable items they frequently use at least once a week. Use a pet-safe detergent and consider an extra rinse cycle to ensure all hair is removed.

Furniture Covers

Use throw or furniture covers that are easy to remove and clean. This not only protects your furniture but also makes it easier to remove pet hair.

Air Purifiers

A good air purifier can help trap airborne pet hair and dander, improving air quality and decreasing hair buildup on surfaces.

Floor Mats

Place floor mats at each door to catch pet hair from shoes and paws entering the home. Wash these on a regular basis.

Frequent Laundry

Wash your personal bedding, throw blankets, and any soft furniture frequently if your pets have access to them.

Use the Right Tools

• Vacuum Cleaners: Invest in a good quality vacuum cleaner that is specifically designed to pick up pet hair. Look for one with strong suction, good filters, and specialized attachments for upholstery and tight corners.
• Robotic Vacuums: These can help keep pet hair under control by running daily. They work well on floors and low-pile carpets.
• Rubber Brooms: These are effective for removing pet hair from carpets and rugs.
• Lint Rollers: Great for quick touch-ups on clothes and furniture.

How fish oil can help in keeping you’re your home pet hair-free?

You may be wondering how fish oil might help. Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids, notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which can help reduce inflammation not only in skin cells but throughout your pet’s body. (Turner, 7 March 2024)

Celavin™ is an ultra-pure, concentrated omega-3 fish oil liquid made from small species fish. Celavin™ offers 40% more EPA and DHA than wild salmon oils. Made from one of the highest qualities, pharmaceutical-grade facilities in Norway, and third party tested for purity, you can rest assured you’re providing the very best for your pet.

  • High purity
  • Triple distilled fish oil
  • No fishy odour
  • Liquid form

Click for more info

IFOS certified, high purity fish oil sourced from Peruvian small fishes. With readily absorbed Omega-3 and Astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant. Promotes healthy and beautiful coat for furkids, reduces hair shedding and skin dryness.

  • Antioxidant effect
  • In soft gel
  • Reduces hair shedding

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